Felicia Smith
Active Achiever
Bridgeport, CT US

Welcome to my ForYou, Inc. web page. I'm excited about introducing you to ForYou products, because I know you are going to have great results. I know the products work, I use them myself, and being so impressed I chose to stand behind the ForYou brand. Please feel free to contact me through the Contact Me link at the top of the page. Also, you may purchase products via our Shop ForYou link or join us as an Achiever from the Join Us link, and start your journey to financial independence. If for any reason you have difficulty contacting me, you may contact our Customer Service who will be glad to serve you.


Felicia Smith
Active Achiever
Bridgeport, CT US

We at ForYou, Inc. are looking for individuals who value their health and appearance, and we are providing the best products and programs to maintain and improve them. Our nutrition, skin, hair, dental, and body care products are revolutionary, and results driven. Our focus has always been to give the total body the important things that it needs to thrive and to restore what we lose in the natural aging process. You can’t help but grow older with each passing day, but you don’t have to look it.
We have opportunities for those looking to join us as distributors, and we offer a sound marketing strategy to enhance your financial goals.


Felicia Smith
Active Achiever
Bridgeport, CT US

I've had ecema all my life and would be scratching, and wearing turtlenecks to hide my neck and arms, but unfortunately you can't hide your face, luckily a lady at my church saw my discomfort and blessed me with a sample of the All purpose gel, which rapidly improved my skin, like no prescription ever had. People would notice how clear my skin had become. The products are great, see for yourselves. I work in the medical field and I'm allergic to the latex gloves. I frequently wash my hands, but I know I can count on the All Purpose Gel to heal my cracked, burning hands fast.
Whether you are looking to preserve your appearance or optimize your health, ForYou has the products to meet your need. Please feel free to contact me through the Contact Me link at the top of the page. You can also purchase products via our Shop ForYou link or join us from our Join Us link to start your journey to financial independence.
If for any reason you have difficulty contacting me, you may contact Customer Service. They would be just as pleased to serve you.


Felicia Smith
Active Achiever
Bridgeport, CT US

ForYou offers seven premier product lines featuring nutritional products to promote health and wellness internally and body care products to promote beauty and youthfulness externally. These products combine the most scientifically advanced technology with nature-based ingredients to produce results that you can see and feel! Experience the difference ForYou can make FOR YOU! You can purchase these from me - your local ForYou distributor - or from our online store.

For more information about all ForYou Products, feel free to explore the links shown above to learn more about these wonderful ForYou products.

Felicia Smith
Active Achiever
Bridgeport, CT US

Now is the Time to Join ForYou's Family!

ForYou truly has the best products in the personal care and wellness industries as well as the best financial plan in the direct sales, network marketing sector in the world! We provide two easy ways for you to join us:

Use our secure online enrollment process.


Download, complete in its entirety, and fax or mail the Independent Achiever's Agreement form. (We suggest that you do not email the form to us).


Felicia Smith
Active Achiever
Bridgeport, CT US

Do you have more questions about ForYou - its products or becoming an Achiever? I'm here to help. Please use the form below to contact me for further assistance.

© ForYou, Inc.